I’ve previously shared my excitement over the coming Oracle Certified Professional exams for MySQL 5.6 (both Developer and DBA), and I’m putting my (employer’s) money where my mouth is – I’ve registered to sit for the DBA exam in early November (some test sites have limited opportunities; interested candidates should consider booking now). Here’s why I think others should do the same:
Low cost
During the beta period (through December 14), the cost of the exam is only $50 USD. That’s barely more than the cost of a book or study guide these days, and a significant savings from the normal exam prices.
Full certification
Those who pass the exam will be given a full certification – not some lesser “beta certification.” There’s no distinction between those who pass the exam during the beta period and those who pass later.
Help produce better exams
Beta test takers contribute to better exams – the results are analyzed to find the best (and worst) questions to indicate success. Those questions which don’t correlate to overall success on the exam are left off the production exams.
This last point raises the only real drawbacks in taking a beta exam. Because questions are being screened as well as candidates, exams consist of 150 questions instead of 70, making the time commitment larger (3h). Since certain questions will be discarded based on low correlation to overall success, it also means candidates must wait until the end of the beta period before results can be provided. If you can deal with a longer test and subsequent wait for results, this beta exam is a great, low-risk way to get your MySQL 5.6 certification – all while helping ensure the final certification exams contain the most relevant questions.
Consider registering today!
Would you provide a link to the direct registration process?
I tried once and get lost in circular clicking adventures. Writing an email to Oracle about that issue is not answered for about 2 weeks :/
Hi Erkan,
Have you already visited Pearson VUE’s website for Oracle certification? Register there, and you should be able to schedule an exam (exams 1Z1-882 for developers and 1Z1-883 for DBAs are listed at the bottom of available Oracle certification exams, just scroll to the bottom). If you have problems, let me know and I’ll try to chase it down with Oracle University staff.
Hi Todd,
One question: I must take the exam until December 14, right?
The beta period goes through December 14th, correct.
On PearsonVUE’s site the last date I can schedule an exam is on 20 december.
Hi Vadim,
Thanks for highlighting that! I checked with the certification team, and they are going to extend the beta period to the 21st as it seems registrations were taken through that date. It’s still a good idea to schedule your exams earlier – unexpected problems can cause surprises. I was scheduled to take the exam today, but car issues (flat tire on one remaining car after hitting a deer with the other!) forced me to reschedule.
I have registered at https://www9.pearsonvue.com/oracle but couldn’t find 1Z1-882 certificate listing in that website.
Please help me to schedule that exam.
Hi Ajay,
I suspect this is because the beta period has ended. The results from the exams are being compiled and analyzed, poor questions fixed or discarded, and passing standards set. Once that’s all done, expect to see the exam return in production form. I don’t have any exact dates to share, but expect it sometime in the next 1-2 months.